How many hours do you spend sitting per day?
How Many hours of sleep do you get?
What time do you go to bed?
What time do you wake up?
On A Scale of 1 - 10 what is the stress level of your job?
Are you a lot of travel, whether business or tourism?
Do you have an allergy to taking a food supplement or a certain food?
How many times do you exercise per week?
How long is each exercise session?
How many minutes of cardio do you do daily ?
8- When you go to the gym do you feel ?
Did you or do you play any sports as a professional or an amateur ?
How long is each exercise session?
Do you usually follow a diet?
How committed are you to your diet?
What is the last period of dieting ?
How is the food cooked (put on what is appropriate)?
How often do you order food not made at home ?
Do you snack often in between meals ?
Do you weigh food on a food scale?
Do you use any of the Following ?
How often do you drink coffee / tea during the day?
Do you drink soft drinks during the day?
How many soft drinks?
Are you currently suffering from any injuries major / minor/ or any undiagnosed pains. ?
Are you currently doing any physical therapy for any injuries?
Do you suffer from any medical Diagnosed medical issues / illnesses/ or diseases ?
Are you taking treatment for it?
Did the doctor prevent you from eating or exercising by itself?
Ladies only: Are you pregnant or have a baby soon?
For women only: Do you breastfeed?
Choose any of the symptoms
Have you tried online training before?
Rules For joining the team Ezz
1- Kindly view the videos sent carefully as they contain the proper procedures which we will follow.
2- Your workout program will only be available after you send us the necessary photos and in body.
3- You will be notified directly once the workout program is ready.
4- Check-ins are every two weeks.
Kindly ensure that you check in at the date specified.
5- Please ensure that you check in by maximum
4 PM - Cairo, Egypt Time on the date of the check in. Late check-ins cause disruptions to service and may not be answered on time.
6- If you are unable to check in at the date kindly inform us of this at least 48 - 72 hours earlier and we will set a new check in time for you.
7- Please gather up all your questions and send them in at the same time.
8- Change number 8 to - please note that whatsapp groups will only be OPEN on the day of the follow up in order to ensure proper service. On all other days the group will be closed to interaction
9- As this is a time bound service - you can freeze your 3 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION for Two weeks or you can freeze your 1 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION - for 1 week for ANY REASON.
10- Please inform us BEFORE you intend to freeze so that we may take this into account. Freezes requested after your emergency has happened may not be accepted.
11- It is your responsibility to check-in at the time and date given.
12- Major vacation and holidays (Ramadan - Eid Fitr
- Eid Adha - other vacations) will be informed before hand and any disruptions
to service will be promptly conveyed.
13- If you are subscribed to a 3 month non-followup plan then you will only have 1 check in after 6 weeks from the program.
If you are subscribed to a 1 month non-followup plan then you will only have 1 check-in at the end of the program.
14 -Please note that if you require a refund it must be within the first week of the service. Team ezz reserves the right to deduct the necessary costs from the amount and then issue a refund. NO refunds shall be issued after two weeks.
15- Please note the training plan and nutrition plan cannot be provided until you provide the complete information required.